When we lived in France in 1990-1992, our children, aged 3 and 4, went to a "school" (l'ecole), essentially a daycare. Kids could be dropped off starting at 8 am and picked up no later than 6 pm; however, "classes" (a teacher-directed activities; two teachers per a class of about 20 kids) were held only between 9 am and 3 pm. If necessary, you could drop off your kid at the "school" on Saturday, between 9 am and 3 pm, but there were no classes (and only one teacher); kids only played.
The school was free; we only payed some ridiculous amont of money for their lunch. Interestingly, my wife didn't work - not to mention that we were foreigners just temporarily staying in the country. The only thing needed to get our kids into the school was a proof of residence in this particular city, where we rented an apartment. (I must admit, however, that this was a reasonably well-off city of Orsay, South-West of Paris.)
In July 1992, we moved to the US, and things changed...
Commented 286 days ago